Hours Log After you have completed the test, we will contact you with specific recommendations based upon your answers.There are three inquiry pages, with a total of 23 simple questions. 1Contact Info2Questions Page 13Questions Page 24Questions Page 3 Name:* First Last Email:* Enter Email Confirm Email Practice Name:* QuestionnairePlease just check the boxes where you feel the answer to the question is "yes," or "mostly yes."I have clean and neat offices for my practice Yes I have a distinctive sign that attracts attention and is used to identify my office Yes I have a logo that is distinctive and professional Yes I have business cards and stationary that have my logo and that are consistent in look and colors Yes I have analyzed my client base and past revenues to discover their causes and have a marketing strategy that will reinforce and strengthen this Yes My phones, email, and mailing procedures work and people can reach me Yes I have an attractive website that people can find easily when they search for a dentist Yes I advertise on the internet to attract patients to my website Yes When I search on Google for my practice/business in my city, I am at least on the first page Yes I have been building up a base of email addresses where permission has been given to receive specific mailings, and such mailings have been done in a timely fashion Yes I have fliers and brochures that are used to tell people about my practice and what I do Yes I do periodic mailings to my patients to remind them of my services Yes I advertise in local publications to make myself known in the community Yes I periodically publish articles, or write on a blog, or otherwise make myself known as an expert in my field Yes I have a routine newsletter that is issued to all of my past clients and anyone who enrolls Yes I make sure my patients get letters and phone calls to schedule them for services Yes I have sales personnel who can sell effectively and handle any outstanding collections Yes I have presentation materials that my sales personnel can use to effectively describe our products and services Yes My staff are contacting enough patients to be able to keep my delivery capacity maximized Yes Any complaint or unhappy patient is contacted and handled as much as practical Yes Myself and my staff involve ourselves in public activities and causes that show people our care for the community around us Yes I have a program that encourages past patients to refer new patients Yes I collect and use testimonials from my patients Yes Δ